Landscaping StoneAre you enjoying the transition here in the Westminster area from summer to fall? Are you using cooler weather to work on the outdoor area at your home? Consider placing stone into your garden or other areas of your home. Landscaping Stone or Rock provide beauty, make it easier to maintain and allow less weeds to return in that area. Landscaping stone can provide many benefits and only requires minimum preparation.

Some benefits of placing decorative stone compared to wood chips or similar options are that stones do not blow away, harbor termites or require replacement. Stone and Rock add texture and give your area a more beautiful curb appeal. When selling your home, in many cases, stone landscaping provides another positive point to buyers.

Landscaping StoneIn this article from HGTV, “How to Use Rocks In Your Landscape”, they discuss how rocks add a warmth to the garden area and your home. HGTV Home gives more steps & ideas on how to prepare for this endeavor.  CLICK HERE to read the entire article.


Be sure to prep the area where the beds will be by removing or killing all weeds with an herbicide like Roundup. Then lay a thick black landscaping plastic down and spread the stone 3” – 4” deep. The beds will be easy to maintain and provide many years of landscaping beauty.

When you decide to add stone or rock to your garden or other area of your home, come by & VISIT US for your supplies!