
Pool Landscaping with stone and gravel

2018-04-14T19:53:13-04:00June 23rd, 2017|Featured, Westminster Lawn Landscape Supply Yard Blog|

Stone and Gravel Pool Landscaping Ideas #stoneandgravelaroundpool #poollandscaping When the weather warms up, folks here in Carroll County begin to think about how to enhance their landscaping around pools. Westminster Lawn Service has many products that can be used in these projects. This post focuses on stone and gravel around pool landscaping. River Jacks River [...]

The Inside Scoop On Mulch And Why You Should Use It In Your Garden

2018-04-14T19:53:13-04:00April 6th, 2017|Featured, Westminster Lawn Landscape Supply Yard Blog|

If you’re new to gardening and are wondering what mulch is and how it can benefit and beautify your garden, then read on. Utilizing mulch in your garden is a time saver, and by arming yourself with this valuable information you can begin to learn the different types of organic mulch and how they can [...]

How to Make a Mulch Bed Using Organic, Biodegradable Materials

2018-04-14T19:53:15-04:00May 8th, 2013|Featured, Westminster Lawn Landscape Supply Yard Blog|

With Spring in full swing in Carroll County, Maryland, we've had a flood of customers and friends contacting us for advice about how to make a mulch bed to beautify their homes and add curb appeal. Here are some things to consider for your spring landscaping project, so that you get the most out of [...]

How to Maintain a Gravel Driveway | Stone Driveway Ideas

2018-04-14T19:53:15-04:00January 21st, 2013|Featured, Westminster Lawn Landscape Supply Yard Blog|

When the weather gets wet and sloppy, stone driveways can become a mud bog. Here are a few tips for maintaining a stone driveway. While stone driveways are the least expensive to create, they require the most maintenance, in comparison to concrete, asphalt paving, or brick pavers.  The slope, curves, stability of the sub-grade, and [...]

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